====== How to use the Home page ====== This guide is designed to give a step-by-step overview of the features in the **Home** page on RoscoLive. \\ \\ ===== Select Home from side menu ===== After logging into RoscoLive, the first page displayed will be the **Home** page. To navigate to this page, simply select the **Home** menu option. \\ \\ {{ :user:product:roscolive2.0:how_to_guide:gps_tracking:rlgps_ls.jpg?nolink&201 |}}\\ \\ ===== Overview of the Home Page ===== This is the **Home** page. The fleet is organized by groups and displayed on the Google Maps overlay. This page provides a useful place to see a lot of information about your fleet at a glance. {{ :user:product:roscolive2.0:how_to_guide:gps_tracking:rlgps_ls_page_marked_out.jpg?nolink&901 |}} \\ \\ ==== Groups Panel ==== On the left you will see all of the cameras in your fleet organized by **Group**. By default, each company will have a MASTER GROUP that all of the devices will be in. For information on how to create and organize groups, refer to the [[user:product:roscolive2.0:how_to_guide:fleet_administration:manage_group|How to Manage Groups]] page. {{ :user:product:roscolive2.0:how_to_guide:gps_tracking:rl_vehiclelist.jpg?nolink&200 |}}\\ \\ At the top of the Groups panel is the //online vehicle counter//. This displays the amount of cameras currently online over the total amount of cameras in the fleet. {{ :user:product:roscolive2.0:how_to_guide:gps_tracking:rl_vehcounter.jpg?nolink&400 |}}\\ \\ The numbers next to each group represent how many vehicles are online and how many vehicles total are in the group respectively (# of veh online / total # of veh in group). Clicking the group name exposes the vehicles related to that group in list form. Vehicles in green are online, vehicles in blue are in parking mode, and vehicles in gray are currently offline. Selecting the name of the camera will center that device on the map and open a //vehicle popup window// and //vehicle sidemenu// that displays the latest information about that camera and actions you can take with that camera.\\ \\ Selecting a camera that is offline will also show the time it was last online. {{ :user:product:roscolive2.0:how_to_guide:gps_tracking:last_onlinets.jpg?nolink&200 |}} === Vehicle Popup & Sidemenu === The //vehicle popup window// will appear when you select a camera name from the list //or// when you click on a vehicle icon on the map. {{ :user:product:roscolive2.0:how_to_guide:gps_tracking:rl_vehiclelistselectedcamera.jpg?nolink&200 |Camera Name}} {{ :user:product:roscolive2.0:how_to_guide:gps_tracking:rl_vehicleiconselect.jpg?nolink&200 |Vehicle Icon}}\\ \\ The **Current Status** bar contains the vehicle's current speed, current direction, and ignition status. Selecting the waypoint icon will give the nearest address the vehicle is currently at. {{ :user:product:roscolive2.0:how_to_guide:gps_tracking:rl_mappopupwithaddress.jpg?nolink&400 |}} The //vehicle sidemenu// will also pop-out from the right side of the map when selecting a camera name or icon on the map. This window contains an actions menu and a view of the uploaded events from that camera. {{ :user:product:roscolive2.0:how_to_guide:gps_tracking:rl_sidemenu.jpg?nolink&400 |}}\\ {{ :user:product:roscolive2.0:how_to_guide:gps_tracking:rl_sidemenuactions.jpg?nolink&400 |}} From left to right the actions are: * **Live Stream** - If your company has the Live Streaming data package, this option will open up a window that will live stream video from the selected camera. {{ :user:product:roscolive2.0:how_to_guide:gps_tracking:rl_livestream.jpg?nolink&400 |}} * **Route History** - This option will open up the [[user:product:roscolive2.0:how_to_guide:gps_tracking:track_and_trace|Route History]] for that vehicle. * **Custom Video Request** - This option will open up the //Custom Video Request// window. This will allow you to custom request an event video from the selected camera. {{ :user:product:roscolive2.0:how_to_guide:gps_tracking:rl_customvidreq.jpg?nolink&400 |}} * **Edit Vehicle** - Will open up the selected camera's [[user:product:roscolive2.0:how_to_guide:fleet_administration:fleet_tab#edit_vehicle_window|Edit Vehicle]] page. The uploaded events are displayed in a table below the //Actions// menu. The date defaults to the current day but the date can be changed using the date selector at the top of the table. {{ :user:product:roscolive2.0:how_to_guide:gps_tracking:rl_sidemenuevents.jpg?nolink&400 |}} * **Time** - displays the time an event occurred. Events are displayed latest to earliest. * **Type** - The type of event. * **Driver** - If your company has driver ID, the driver name will appear here. * **Actions** - The actions available here are the same actions as on the **Daily Events** page. The left action opens the video player and the right action flags the event and stores it on the **Flagged Events** page. \\ \\ Events can be filtered by clicking the filter icon next to the Type column. {{ :user:product:roscolive2.0:how_to_guide:gps_tracking:rl_sidemenueventfiltericon.jpg?nolink&300 |}}\\ {{ :user:product:roscolive2.0:how_to_guide:gps_tracking:rl_sidemenueventfiltermenu.jpg?nolink&150 |}} This is an //inclusive// type filter, meaning that whatever options you have selected in the filter, the visible events will //include// those event types. When you de-select an option in the filter, that event type will be //excluded// from the visible events. A dot indicator will be visible if at least one option is selected. {{ :user:product:roscolive2.0:how_to_guide:gps_tracking:rl_sidemenufilter.gif?nolink&200 |}} The Vehicle Sidemenu can be opened and closed using the tab on the side of the menu. {{ :user:product:roscolive2.0:how_to_guide:gps_tracking:rl_sidemenutab.jpg?nolink&300 |}} {{ :user:product:roscolive2.0:how_to_guide:gps_tracking:rl_sidemenutabclosed.jpg?nolink&300 |}} ==== Traffic View Overlay ==== The **Traffic View Overlay** is a real-time map of traffic conditions that can be displayed on the map. \\ \\ **To toggle the Traffic View Overlay:** * Locate the **Traffic** button in the top left corner of the map. {{ :user:product:roscolive2.0:how_to_guide:gps_tracking:rlgps_ls_trafficbtn.jpg?nolink&800 |}} * Click it to toggle the overlay on and off {{ :user:product:roscolive2.0:how_to_guide:gps_tracking:rlgps_ls_trafficbtnenable.jpg?nolink&800 |}}