User Tools

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User Notifications Page

This page is a step-by-step overview of the User Notifications page on the ROSCOLive add-on in MyGeotab.

To navigate to this page, select the Users Notifications option on the ROSCOLive add-on menu.

User Notification Page Overview

The User Notification page is used to view and add notification recipients. Notification recipients are user who will receive notifications through email about when exceptions occur.

  1. Name - The notification recipient's first and last name will appear here.
  2. User Details - The user's notification email, role, and last activity are displayed here.
  3. Edit / Delete - The pencil icon will open the Edit User menu. The X icon will delete the notification recipient account.

Add a New Notification Recipient

To add a new notification recipient, locate and select the Add User drop-down menu at the top of the page.
