====== ROSCOLive Map Add-In ======
//IMPORTANT NOTE:// This feature is complete on ROSCOLive, however the map add-in feature for Geotab is still in a **beta** environment meaning that it is still under development. To enable the map add-in within a MyGeotab database:\\ \\
{{ :user:product:geotab_partner:geotab_how_to:rlgeotab_mapaddin_useradmin.jpg?nolink&200 |}}
1. Select **Administration**\\
2. Select **Users**
{{ :user:product:geotab_partner:geotab_how_to:rlgeotab_mapaddin_usersettingsui.jpg?nolink&500 |}}
3. Navigate to your user settings page and select the //UI Settings// tab.\\ \\
{{ :user:product:geotab_partner:geotab_how_to:rlgeotab_mapaddin_usersettingsfeaturepreview.jpg?nolink&500 |}}
4. Scroll to the //UI SETTINGS// section at the bottom of the page.\\
5. Toggle the **Feature preview** setting to //ON// \\ \\
Return to the **Map** page and you should now see the map add-in on the right side of the screen. You may have to refresh your browser page in order to see it.
This page details the functions and features of the **ROSCOLive Map Add-In**.
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===== Overview =====
When integrated with ROSCOLive, a map add-in will be available from the **Map** page on MyGeotab. This add-in allows you view any events from your devices from the last 24 hours directly on the map page for a quick and efficient way to view event video of interest.
{{ :user:product:geotab_partner:geotab_how_to:rlgeotab_mapaddin_detail.jpg?nolink&400 |}}
=== 1.Vehicle Name Field ===
Drop-down entry field used to select which device to view events for. Vehicles can also be selected from the map to populate their events in the add-in.
{{ :user:product:geotab_partner:geotab_how_to:rlgeotabl_mapaddin_mapselect.jpg?nolink&800 |}}
=== 2.Filter Category ===
The selected category will filter the event list according to the criteria. The default is by timestamp.
- **Exception** - Filters by exception type alphabetically
- **Timestamp** - Filters by event timestamp chronologically
- **Driver** - Filters by driver name alphabetically
- **Status** - Filters by event upload status alphabetically
=== 3.Ascending/Descending ===
Sorts the events in ascending or descending order based on the filter category selected.
=== 4.Live Status ===
Displays the //Live Streaming// status of the camera selected.\\
//NOTE: Live Streaming Service must be enabled for your fleet in order to use this feature.//
**Online** - The device is connected to the server and able to live stream. Select the Blue camera icon {{:user:product:geotab_partner:geotab_how_to:rlgeotab_mapaddin_livestreamonline.jpg?nolink&50|}} to open the live streaming window.
{{ :user:product:geotab_partner:geotab_how_to:rlgeotab_mapaddin_livestreamwindow.jpg?nolink&400 |}}
**Offline** - The device is unavailable for live streaming at that moment.
=== 5.Exception ===
The type of exception that generated the event video.
=== 6.Driver Name ===
Displays the name of the driver when the event occurred if available.
=== 7.Event Status ===
Displays the upload status of the event.\\
Pending - Video is still pending upload to the server\\
View - Video is available for review. Selecting this option will open up the [[user:product:geotab_partner:geotab_how_to:camera_events#view_clip|Advanced Window Player]]
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