====== Custom Reports ======= This page is a step-by-step overview of the **Custom** tab on the **Reports** page on RoscoLive. This page is available to the majority of end users.\\ \\ To navigate to the **Custom** tab, select the tab in the header. {{ :user:product:roscolive2.0:how_to_guide:reports:custom_tab.png?200 |}}\\ \\ The **Custom** tab contains two sections. The **My Custom Reports** section contains links to reports that the user has created. {{ user:product:roscolive2.0:how_to_guide:reports:my_custom_reports.png?400 |}} \\ \\ The **Shared Custom Reports** section contains links to reports that were created by other users, but have been shared with the current user. {{ user:product:roscolive2.0:how_to_guide:reports:shared_custom_reports.png?400 |}} \\ \\ These Custom Reports can contain a number of different variables about a particular camera. The time frame can also be adjusted, similarly to the standard reports. To learn exactly what columns can be included in the report, proceed to the section on **Creating Custom Reports**. \\ To go back, select the **BACK** button in the top right of the page. To Export the table to a .csv file, select the **Export** button at the top right of the table. Search for a particular vehicle name by using the search bar at the top left of the page. {{ user:product:roscolive2.0:how_to_guide:reports:custom_report.png?400 |}} \\ \\ ===== Adding a Report ===== To Add a new Custom Report, click on the **+ Add Report** button next to the search bar on the Custom Reports home page. //**Note:** this is only available to some users with the proper permissions.// {{ user:product:roscolive2.0:how_to_guide:reports:add_report_1.png?400 |}} \\ \\ ==== Step 1: Select a Name and Desired Fields ==== **Required: ** Choose a name for your report and at least one extra field. The vehicle's name is required for all reports. If the vehicle doesn't have an assigned name, it will be replaced with the device's unique ID. The available fields are: **Events** * Crit G-Sensor * Custom Videos * Driver Events * G-Sensor * Speeding * Input Sensor **DMS Alerts** //Only available for vehicles with proper DMS hardware// * Distraction * Drowsiness * Phone Use **Mobileye** //Only available for vehicles with proper ADAS/Mobileye hardware// * ADAS-FCW * ADAS-HW * ADAS-LDW * ADAS-PCW **Camera Health** * First Connected * Last Connected **Modem / Router Information** * IMEI * Manufacturer * Model * Version \\ \\ ==== Step 2: Report and Share Options ==== {{ user:product:roscolive2.0:how_to_guide:reports:add_report_2.png?400 |}} \\ \\ In step two, the user can select a certain group, certain vehicles, and users to share the report with. //**Note:** selecting groups as well as users to share with is only available for users with proper permissions.// Simply select a checkbox next to the group, vehicle or user you would like to share it with, then click **Add** to finish creating the report. The report can be edited or shared with more/fewer people at any time. By default, all vehicles and groups are selected. The user can also search for any vehicle, group, or user by using the search. ===== Editing a Report ===== To edit a report, select **Edit** from either the actions dropdown or select the **Edit** button next to the date dropdown. {{ user:product:roscolive2.0:how_to_guide:reports:custom_report_actions.png?400 |}} \\ \\ See above for how to edit a report. Editing a report follows the same steps as adding a report, with the current fields, vehicles, and users selected already filled in. ===== Sharing a Report ===== //**Note:** This action is only available to users with the proper permissions.// \\ To share a report, select **Share** from the actions dropdown {{ user:product:roscolive2.0:how_to_guide:reports:custom_report_actions.png?400 |}} \\ \\ This will open a the **Shared Report Modal**. {{ user:product:roscolive2.0:how_to_guide:reports:share_report_modal.png?400 |}} \\ \\ Select a user in the left column to share the report, select a user in the right column to no longer share the report with the user. Click the **Share** button at the bottom to update the sharing conditions.