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Camera Events Page(under construction)

This page is a step-by-step overview of the Camera Events page on the RoscoLive add-on for MyGeotab.

Reviewing Geotab Events

Step 1: Navigate to Camera Events Page

Locate and select the Camera Events menu option within MyGeotab.

Step 2: Search for Vehicle and Date Period

Events from all of the cameras within the fleet will appear on this page ordered the latest event first. To search for a specific vehicle, select the vehicle's name in the search box and select a date range.

To narrow the results further, a filter can be applied by selecting the desired filters from the Filters drop-down menu.

Selected filters appear light blue, while deselected ones appear dark blue. By default, all filters are deselected. When a filter option is selected, only results matching the search criteria and filter setting will appear in the list.

Step 3: Reviewing the Event

Once the desired camera event is located, there are three options for reviewing the event.
NOTE: Depending on the device settings, some options may not be available for the selected device.

The options for reviewing the event are from, left to right:

  1. View Snapshots -
