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Fleet Configuration

This guide is a step-by-step overview of the Fleet Configuration page on the RoscoLive add-in.

The Fleet Configuration page allows the user to create and define custom fleet profiles to apply to the cameras in the fleet.

Step 1. Navigate to the Fleet Configuration Page

Locate and select the RoscoLive add-on in the side-bar menu.

Select the Fleet Configuration option in the drop-down menu.

Step 2. Fleet Configuration Page

This is the Fleet Configuration page. Notice there are three tabs to navigate the different menus on this page with the General Settings menu displayed first.

The sections below will detail the different tab menus associated with the Fleet Configuration page.

General Settings

The General Settings menu is the first menu displayed when inside the Fleet Configuration page. This menu allows the user to control the backlight intensity on the DVXC4 in both day and night mode as well as toggle the option to display the speed on the LCD screen.

  1. To adjust the brightness intensity on the LCD backlight, drag the slider left to decrease the intensity or right to increase the intensity for the respective mode.
  2. Selecting this toggle enables or disables the speed display on the LCD of the DVXC4.
  3. Selecting this toggle enables or disables the speed display on the onscreen video display.

Channel Settings

The Channel Settings menu is used to customize the channel settings for the DV camera.

  1. Channel Toggles - These toggle the corresponding channels of the camera on or off. When disabled, the camera associated with that channel will not record any audio or video.
    1. Channel 1 is the front facing camera on the DV.
    2. Channel 2 is the inward facing camera on the DV.
    3. Channel 3 & 4 are external camera channels.

  2. FPS Settings - These boxes customize the frame rate of the DV camera when in Driving Mode and Parking Mode. The values can range from 1 to 30 frames per second (FPS). The higher the frame rate the smoother the playback of the video will be, but this will also cause file sizes to become larger. It is recommended to have parking mode at a lower FPS than Driving FPS.

  3. Video Quality Settings - These boxes customize the video quality of the DV camera when in Driving Mode and Parking Mode. The quality settings range from 1 (lowest quality) to 5 (best quality). The higher the quality, the better resolution the DV will have, but this will also increase file sizes of the recordings. It is recommended to have the parking quality to be set low in order to preserve more space while the vehicle is idle. Channel 1 is capable of recording up to 720p quality, while the other channels are capable of recording up to 960H quality.

  4. Audio Settings - These options control if the corresponding channel records audio or not. Since the DV camera is equipped with a microphone, channel 2 is capable of recording audio when this option is turned to ON. Channels 3 and 4 are external channels and will only record audio if those cameras are equipped with microphones.

Event Settings

The Event Settings menu allows for the customization and control of what events are triggered on the DVXC4 camera. This tab is separated into two sections with the first being Event Settings.

  1. Event Notification Toggles
    1. Audible Event Notification - When enabled, an audible tone will be emitted from the DV camera when an event occurs.
    2. Driver Event Button Enabled - When enabled, the Driver Event button on the DV will generate an event when pressed.
    3. External Driver Event Button - When enabled, the External Driver Event button will generate an event when pressed.
  2. Send Clip To Cloud - When enabled, these send a video clip to the cloud when the corresponding event occurs.


If there is a Mobileye device installed with the DVXC4 camera, the Mobileye warnings can be toggled in this section. The Send Clip to Cloud option can also be toggled for each Mobileye warning.

Step 3. Saving Configuration Settings

To save these settings to a custom fleet configuration profile, Click Save

The Fleet Profile save dialog will appear. The configuration settings can be saved as a new configuration setting Enter a new name for the configuration in the top field and select Confirm to save the new profile.

To modify an existing custom fleet profile, select the profile from the Available Profiles drop down list and select confirm to save the new changes to the selected profile.

To apply the New Fleet Profile to a vehicle follow the steps below:

Select the Camera Status Tab.

Click on the wrench icon

Locate the Apply fleet profile configuration and press Apply

Select the New fleet configuration under available profiles and select Apply
