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user:product:geotab_partner:geotab_how_to:web_request [2019/02/08 15:35] external edit
user:product:geotab_partner:geotab_how_to:web_request [2022/10/25 15:37] (current)
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 ====== How To Setup Web Requests from RoscoLive for Events Generated on MyGeotab ====== ====== How To Setup Web Requests from RoscoLive for Events Generated on MyGeotab ======
 This page is a step-by-step overview of how to setup event requests with video support from RoscoLive on MyGeotab. This page is a step-by-step overview of how to setup event requests with video support from RoscoLive on MyGeotab.
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 ===== Step 4: Select the Type of Video Information Required ===== ===== Step 4: Select the Type of Video Information Required =====
-After selecting **Web Request**, the **NOTIFICATION RECIPIENT** box will be replaced with the **Web Request** selection box. There are 3 selections to choose from: +After selecting **Web Request**, the **NOTIFICATION RECIPIENT** box will be replaced with the **Web Request** selection box. Choose ​the **Auto-upload Snapshot and Video to RoscoLive** ​option. 
-  - **Auto-upload Snapshot from RoscoLive** - Selecting this request will upload a //​Snapshot//​ (in .jpg format) from the available channels on the DVXC4 at the moment an exception occurs. + 
-  - **Auto-upload Video to RoscoLive** - Selecting this request will upload a //Video// generated based on exception time of day. The video will be approximately 20 seconds starting 10 seconds pre exception and ending 10 seconds post exception. +{{ user:​product:​geotab_partner:​geotab_how_to:​rlgeo_webrequestsetup_rlautouploadselection.jpg?​400 |}}
-  - **Auto-upload Snapshot and Video to RoscoLive** ​- Selecting this request will upload both the video and snapshot of the event.+
 After making a selection, click **Add** to add the selection to the **Web Request** list. After making a selection, click **Add** to add the selection to the **Web Request** list.
 {{ user:​product:​geotab_partner:​geotab_how_to:​rlgeo_webrequestsetup_addwebrequest.jpg?​nolink&​800 |}} {{ user:​product:​geotab_partner:​geotab_how_to:​rlgeo_webrequestsetup_addwebrequest.jpg?​nolink&​800 |}}
-//**NOTE**: More than one selection may be added, but an individual event will be uploaded for each request. If a snapshot and video of an event is desired, it is recommended to select the third request option only instead of selecting option one and two together.// \\ \\ 
 The added request will now appear in the **NOTIFICATION RECIPIENTS** box. To remove requests, select the X button to the right of the request. The added request will now appear in the **NOTIFICATION RECIPIENTS** box. To remove requests, select the X button to the right of the request.
-{{ user:​product:​geotab_partner:​geotab_how_to:​rlgeo_webrequestsetup_requestadded.jpg?​nolink&​1500 |}}+{{ user:​product:​geotab_partner:​geotab_how_to:​rlgeo_webrequestsetup_requestadded.jpg?​nolink&​1200 |}}
 ===== Step 5: Save Changes ===== ===== Step 5: Save Changes =====