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user:product:roscolive2.0:how_to_guide:fleet_administration:fleet_tab [2021/07/16 18:00] staged 7/16/2021
user:product:roscolive2.0:how_to_guide:fleet_administration:fleet_tab [2021/12/13 17:25] (current)
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 ===== Vehicles page ===== ===== Vehicles page =====
-This is the **Vehicles** page. From here, the user is able to see the fleet vehicles for the groups they have access to.{{ :​user:​product:​roscolive2.0:​how_to_guide:​fleet_administration:​vehicle_page.jpg?​nolink&​800 |}} \\+This is the **Vehicles** page. From here, the user is able to see the fleet vehicles for the groups they have access to.{{ :​user:​product:​roscolive2.0:​how_to_guide:​fleet_administration:​vehicle_page.jpg?​nolink&​1000 |}} \\
 //NOTE: The options available to the user may vary depending on user permissions.//​ \\ \\ //NOTE: The options available to the user may vary depending on user permissions.//​ \\ \\
 \\ \\  \\ \\ 
 +==== Actions ====
 +{{ :​user:​product:​roscolive2.0:​how_to_guide:​fleet_administration:​actions_button_group.jpg?​nolink&​600 |}}
 +These are the actions that can be applied to one or more cameras at a time. To apply an action, you must first select at least one camera to apply it to. Select a camera by clicking the check-box next to the camera name.
 +{{ :​user:​product:​roscolive2.0:​how_to_guide:​fleet_administration:​checkbox_emphasis.jpg?​nolink&​200 |}}
 +{{ :​user:​product:​roscolive2.0:​how_to_guide:​fleet_administration:​checkbox_checked.jpg?​nolink&​200 |}}
 +**Update Firmware**\\ ​
 +This button does not require selecting any cameras to apply the update. Pressing this will open a modal window informing how many out-of-date cameras are in your fleet.
 +{{ :​user:​product:​roscolive2.0:​how_to_guide:​fleet_administration:​fwupdate_modal.jpg?​nolink&​600 |}}
 +If selected, this will push firmware updates to all out-of-date cameras.\\ \\ 
 +**Update Profile**\\ ​
 +This action allows you to select a [[user:​product:​roscolive2.0:​how_to_guide:​fleet_administration:​fleet_configuration|fleet profile]] and apply it to any selected cameras. Selected profiles will be applied after selecting //update//.
 +**Format SD**\\ ​
 +This action will format the SD cards of the selected cameras. This action is only available to Fleet Manager and Group Manager accounts. After selecting this action a modal will appear that will require you to enter your password to confirm the action.
 +{{ :​user:​product:​roscolive2.0:​how_to_guide:​fleet_administration:​formatmodal.jpg?​nolink&​200 |}}
 +<color #​ed1c24>​**IMPORTANT**:​ Formatting an SD card will erase //all video currently on the card//. Ensure to back up any important video before starting a format.</​color>​
 ==== Vehicles Table ==== ==== Vehicles Table ====
Line 48: Line 69:
   * If a camera is currently online, the status will be <color #​22b14c>​Online</​color>​.   * If a camera is currently online, the status will be <color #​22b14c>​Online</​color>​.
   * If a camera is currently in parking mode, the status will be <color #​266788>​Parked HH:​MM:​SS</​color>,​ where the time is the duration the camera has been in parking mode.   * If a camera is currently in parking mode, the status will be <color #​266788>​Parked HH:​MM:​SS</​color>,​ where the time is the duration the camera has been in parking mode.
-  * If a camera is offline, the status will be "​__Offline since M/DD/YY H:​MM:​SS__",​ where the timestamp is the last time the camera ​connected to the server.+  * If a camera is offline, the status will be "​__Offline since M/DD/YY H:​MM:​SS__",​ where the timestamp is the last time the camera ​disconnected from the server.
   * If the camera has yet to disconnect from the server for the first time, the status will simply be "​Offline"​.   * If the camera has yet to disconnect from the server for the first time, the status will simply be "​Offline"​.
Line 116: Line 137:
 If one or more cameras have detected a possible recording issue, this icon will appear. When clicked, it will automatically sort the cameras that need reformatting to the top of the table and select them to apply a format to. If one or more cameras have detected a possible recording issue, this icon will appear. When clicked, it will automatically sort the cameras that need reformatting to the top of the table and select them to apply a format to.
 +{{ :​user:​product:​roscolive2.0:​how_to_guide:​fleet_administration:​recording_reformat.jpg?​nolink&​600 |}}
 +=== Channel Issues ===
 +{{:​user:​product:​roscolive2.0:​how_to_guide:​fleet_administration:​channel_icon.jpg?​nolink&​60 |}}
 +If one or more cameras have a potential channel issue, this icon will appear. When clicked, it will automatically sort the affected cameras to the top of the table.
 +=== Data Issues ===
 +{{:​user:​product:​roscolive2.0:​how_to_guide:​fleet_administration:​data_icon.jpg?​nolink&​60 |}}
 +If one or more cameras have a data overage, this icon will appear. When clicked, it will automatically sort the affected cameras to the top of the table. ​
-===== Edit Vehicle Page =====