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How to Manage Vehicles

This page is a step-by-step overview of the Manage Vehicles page on RoscoLive.

The Manage Vehicles page allows the user to see and manage fleet vehicles within the groups they have access to.

Locate and select the Fleet Administration option in the side-bar menu.

Select the Manage Vehicles option in the now revealed drop-down menu under Fleet Administration.

Manage Vehicles page

This is the Manage Vehicles page. From here, the user is able to see the fleet vehicles for the groups they have access to.
NOTE: The options available to the user may vary depending on user permissions.

Vehicle Name

This column consists of the names of vehicles within the fleet. This can only be changed by the “Fleet Manager” or higher roles. If any assistance is needed, please contact us here.

Vehicle ID

This column consists of the serial numbers of the DV440 cameras provisioned for their respective vehicles. For help with provisioning or to re-provision a vehicle, please contact RoscoLive customer support here.

Connection Status

This column shows the connection status for Live Video, Tracking Server, and Video Storage.
If the icon is RED, the service is off. If the icon is GREEN, the service is on.

Enable/Disable toggle

Selecting this toggle enables or disables the vehicle's service features. This does NOT enable or disable the local event recording from the DV440.


This column consists of actions that are available to the current user for managing vehicles. The options in this column vary with user's permissions.

Editing Vehicle Info

Select the Edit icon in the Actions column of the Manage Vehicles page for the desired vehicle to open the Edit Vehicle window.

Edit Vehicle Window

The Edit Vehicle window should look similar to this page.

Installation Report

At the top left corner of this page, the vehicle's associated device ID, company name, and First connection date is displayed. Below that there is a button that says View Installation Report.

An Installation Report is generated when a device is installed into a fleet using the ROSCOLive Installer app. For more information, please reference the ROSCOLive Installer app page.

Group Assigning

The box labeled Potential group(s) is where all of the fleet's active groups are. The box labeled Active assigned group is where the group that the selected vehicle is assigned. Groups can be interchanged between the boxes by using the arrow buttons in-between the boxes. Vehicles can only be active in one group at a time.

Vehicle Info

  • Vehicle Name - The name used to identify the device on the GPS Tracking & Live Stream page as well as in any events generated by the device. This name change function only available for the fleet manager or higher roles. If you experience any issues or difficulties, please contact us
  • Driver Name - The name of the driver for this vehicle. If there is more than one driver then you will have to use some form of driver ID to change this value.
  • Vehicle Icon - This icon is what will represent the vehicle on the Google Map overlay on the GPS Tracking & Live Stream page.
  • Driver ID - The ID of the driver for this device. If there is more than one driver then you will have to use some form of driver ID to change this value.
  • Time Zone - The timezone this device will be operating in. This setting will override the setting in the configuration file for this device.
  • Parking Duration - This is the duration of time the camera will remain on in Parking Mode. If set to disabled the camera will power off when ignition is off.

User Assigning

This section is used to assign particular users to the vehicle. This feature can be used to customize what vehicles users can see. The box labeled Potential Users is the list of all the users within the fleet. The box labeled Active Assigned User(s) is the user or users assigned to this particular vehicle. Users can be interchanged between the boxes using the arrow buttons located in-between the boxes.

Enable/Disable Toggle

This toggle performs the same function as the Enable / Disable toggle on the Manage Vehicles page. This toggle enables or disables the vehicle's service features. This does NOT enable or disable the local camera hardware.

Apply Fleet Profile

This button allows user's to apply Fleet Configuration profiles to the device.

The reboot toggle when enabled, will reboot the device immediately after receiving the new profile if the device is online, otherwise the fleet profile will be applied the next time the device is started.

Save Changes

After adding or editing the vehicle information, select the Save button at the bottom of this page. Select the Back button to return to the Manage Vehicles page.
NOTE: Remember to click SAVE before clicking BACK to save any unsaved information.

Remote Management

Select the Remote Management icon in the Actions column of the Manage Vehicles page for the desired vehicle to open the Remote Management window.

This is the Remote Management Window. This window allows for remote device management of the DV440 installed in the vehicle.

Download / Upload Device Configuration


The Download Device Configuration section and Upload Configuration section is used to manage device configuration files.

To download the current device configuration file, select the DOWNLOAD button.

The download request will be sent to the server and the last known configuration will be downloaded to your browser with the filename “config.txt”.

NOTE: If the device never connected to the server before, this popup notification will appear in the top right corner of the page:

To upload a new configuration file to the device, click Select a file to open up the file browser.

Navigate to the folder where the “config.txt” file is to upload and select it. In this example picture, the file was located in the “Downloads” folder.

After the configuration file has been selected, select the Reboot toggle to enable or disable device auto-reboot to install new config. If Not Reboot is selected then the device will update the next time the camera is powered on.

Select Upload to upload the configuration file to the device. The next time the device is within network range the server will push the new configuration file to the device.

NOTICE: The device must remain powered until new configuration installation is complete.

Current Firmware & Log Requests

The current firmware version installed onto the device is displayed on this page. For more information about vehicle and fleet firmware settings see:
How to use Fleet Firmware Update

Logs for the specific vehicle may also be requested for download on this page. Select a Start Date and End Date then click REQUEST. When the vehicle is in network range the server will request the logs of the selected date range from the device.

When the log is available, the DOWNLOAD button will appear. Click DOWNLOAD and the log files will be downloaded through the browser into the directory specified for downloads on your computer. The files will be in .zip file format.

Extract the files into the desired folder.

Remote Format

The remote format function will allow certain users on RoscoLive to format the SD card remotely. Please note that the formatting will erase all the corrupted files as well as everything else on the card. Unless the configuration file is corrupted, check the “Keep Configuration” box.
