User Tools

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The Vehicles page allows the user to see and manage fleet vehicles within the groups they have access to.

Select the Vehicles option in the side menu.

If you do not see the Vehicles menu option, you may have to select the Fleet drop-down to reveal the option

Vehicles page

This is the Vehicles page. From here, the user is able to see the fleet vehicles for the groups they have access to.
NOTE: The options available to the user may vary depending on user permissions.


These are the actions that can be applied to one or more cameras at a time. To apply an action, you must first select at least one camera to apply it to. Select a camera by clicking the check-box next to the camera name.

Update Firmware
This button does not require selecting any cameras to apply the update. Pressing this will open a modal window informing how many out-of-date cameras are in your fleet.

If selected, this will push firmware updates to all out-of-date cameras.

Update Profile
This action allows you to select a fleet profile and apply it to any selected cameras. Selected profiles will be applied after selecting update.

Format SD
This action will format the SD cards of the selected cameras. This action is only available to Fleet Manager and Group Manager accounts. After selecting this action a modal will appear that will require you to enter your password to confirm the action.

IMPORTANT: Formatting an SD card will erase all video currently on the card. Ensure to back up any important video before starting a format.

Vehicles Table

The vehicles table allows you to see various information about cameras in your fleet as well as edit and manage some things.

The columns can be hidden from view according to your preferences by selecting them from the drop down menu at the top right of the screen.

Most columns can be filtered by selecting the filter icon in the column header.

The filters are inclusive, meaning whatever is selected will be shown and whatever is un-selected will not.

Camera Name

This column is where the name of the camera is displayed. Clicking on the name will direct you to the Edit Vehicle page.

Device ID

Displays the device ID of your camera. This ID is unique to that camera and cannot be changed.

Group Column

Displays the group the camera is assigned to.

Online Status

Displays the online status of a camera.

  • If a camera is currently online, the status will be Online.
  • If a camera is currently in parking mode, the status will be Parked HH:MM:SS, where the time is the duration the camera has been in parking mode.
  • If a camera is offline, the status will be “Offline since M/DD/YY H:MM:SS”, where the timestamp is the last time the camera disconnected from the server.
  • If the camera has yet to disconnect from the server for the first time, the status will simply be “Offline”.

First Connected

Displays the first connected timestamp of a camera. This is the timestamp for when the camera first connected to the server.

Fleet Profile

This column displays the current Fleet Profile applied to the camera.

Default - The default configuration profile is applied to the camera.
Manual - The configuration on the camera does not match any profiles in your fleet. This typically means the configuration on the camera was manually edited and applied to the camera.


Displays the firmware status of the camera.

Status Description
Latest The camera is on the latest firmware version
Out Of Date The camera's firmware is out of date
Upgrade Sent A firmware upgrade has been sent and is pending upgrade


Displays the camera's recording status health. This status is checked every time the camera connects to the server. For more information about SD card health, please see Understanding Your SD Cards.

Status Description
OK No recording issues detected
Needs Reformat Potential SD issue detected, reformat is needed to remedy

Channel Status

Displays the status of the active channels on a camera. This status is checked as the camera is connected to the server and periodically during its connection. If a problematic channel is identified, it will appear in this column.

Conditions that trigger a change in status:

Status Description Potential Causes
Black Screen Channel is recording a black screen - Camera lens is covered or obscured
- Potential hardware issue
White Screen Channel is recording a white screen. Potential hardware issue
Blue Screen Channel is recording a blue screen - No camera feed to channel (CH3 / CH4 )
- Potential hardware issue
Rainbow Screen / Stripped Screen Channel is recording a stripped screen Potential hardware issue

Data Usage

Displays the camera's monthly data usage.

NOTE: Monthly data allowance is based on which Rosco Live service is selected in your contract. This will either be 500 MB/month per device or 100 GB/month per device.

At A Glance

The At A Glance section of the Vehicles page informs you of your fleets overall status and any issues that may be present. If an issue is detected, an icon related to the type of issue will appear here. When the icon is moused over, it will provide you with more information about the issue. Clicking on the icons will do various things depending on which is clicked.

Firmware Out Of Date

If one or more cameras have out-of-date firmware, this icon will appear. When clicked, a modal window will appear that will allow you to upgrade all out-of-date devices. If selected, this will push firmware updates to all out-of-date cameras.

Recording Issues

If one or more cameras have detected a possible recording issue, this icon will appear. When clicked, it will automatically sort the cameras that need reformatting to the top of the table and select them to apply a format to.

Channel Issues

If one or more cameras have a potential channel issue, this icon will appear. When clicked, it will automatically sort the affected cameras to the top of the table.

Data Issues

If one or more cameras have a data overage, this icon will appear. When clicked, it will automatically sort the affected cameras to the top of the table.
