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Camera Status Page

This page is a step-by-step overview of the Camera Status page on RoscoLive add-on for MyGeotab.

Locate and select the Camera Status icon in the side menu.

Camera Status Page Overview

There are two tabs at the top left of the page. This is the Camera Status page, the other page is the Firmware Status page which will be covered in a later section.

The Camera Status page displays the DVXC4 camera status for each vehicle within the fleet. This page can also be used for device audit logs as well as pairing GO devices to DVXC4 cameras. These features will be detailed in sections below.

  1. Search Bar Group - This group of options allows you to easily search and filter devices
    1. Search Bar - A camera can be searched by entering the name here.
    2. Groups - The cameras can be filtered by Groups. For more information about camera grouping, reference this page.
    3. Fleetwide Firmware Upgrade - Brings up the Fleet Firmware upgrade menu.
  2. Camera Names - The vehicle camera names are displayed here. They can also be renamed by clicking on the name. A text box will appear where a new name can be entered and then select save to save the new name.
  3. Camera Status - Information regarding the events on the camera such as event times, event count, total file size on the camera, and when the camera was last connected.
  4. ROSCOLive Knowledge Base Link - The link that leads to here!
  5. Device Options - These buttons open additional windows for device options such as audit log requests and pairing a device.

Audit Log

To view a device's audit log, select the View Audit Log button.

Audit Log Window

The Audit Log Window provides all network activity that has occurred on a device with the most current entry first. To view information from a specific date range, select a start and end date, then press Reload to reload the audit window.

Pairing A Device

For information regarding pairing a device, please refer to this page.

Remote Management Menu

This menu can be accessed by selecting the wrench icon from this page.

A similar window to this will pop up for the device selected:

  1. Camera Name
  2. Download Configuration - Downloads the config.txt file from the device.
  3. Upload Configuration - Uploads a config.txt file to the device.It is HIGHLY recommended to use the Fleet Configuration profile to change device settings. Uploading config.txt files should only be done by advanced users
    1. Reboot Toggle - When ON, will reboot the device as soon as it receives the new config.txt file, otherwise will apply the file the next time the device is powered on.
  4. Remote Format - Remotely formats the SD card in the camera. This erases all files on the SD card, proceed with caution.
  5. Vehicle Timezone - Sets the camera's timezone.
  6. Current Firmware - Displays the current firmware version on the device.
  7. Apply Fleet profile configuration - Applies a fleet configuration profile to the device. For more information about Fleet Configuration Profiles, see the Fleet Configuration page.
  8. Request Logs - Request status logs from the device.
    1. If the device is online, the logs will upload immediately.
    2. If the device is offline, the request will queue and will upload the logs the next time the device comes online.
    3. When logs are ready, a Download button will appear.

Firmware Status Page

The next tab on the Camera Status page is the Firmware Status page. This page, similar in layout to the Camera Status page, displays the camera's firmware version and status. This page allows a fleet manager to keep their cameras up-to-date on the latest firmware and apply it effortlessly to their entire fleet.

  • Current Firmware - Displays the current firmware version on that camera.
  • Status - Displays the status of the firmware on the camera
    • Latest firmware - The camera has the latest version of firmware
    • Firmware out of date - The camera has out-dated firmware
    • Firmware update pending to dvxc4_vX.X.X - A firmware update has been pushed to the device and is waiting to be applied.

Camera Firmware Management

Each camera has a Camera Firmware Management window. To access this, select the wrench icon on the far right of each camera.

A window similar to this will appear:

1. Select a firmware version from the dropdown menu 2. Select for device reboot - If ON, the device will reboot when the firmware is received, otherwise it will apply the next time the device is powered on.
3. Select APPLY to send the firmware update to the device.

The status for the device will now change to Firmware update pending to dvxc4_vX.X.X and the APPLY button will now change into a red CANCEL button. The upgrade can be cancelled at anytime before the camera accepts the firmware. Once the camera accepts the firmware upgrade, you cannot cancel it.

Fleetwide Firmware Upgrade

Upgrading each camera in the fleet would be very tedious, luckily we have a way to upgrade the entire fleet at the same time. At the top of the page next to the Groups filter there is the Fleetwide Firmware Upgrade button. Selecting this button will display a window similar to this:

The steps are similar to the Camera Firmware Management window with the exception of an additional drop-down menu, Apply to devices with status. To apply firmware fleetwide, you must select what type of device status you want it to effect.

  • Firmware out of date - Applies the firmware update to devices who's status is Firmware out of date.
  • Latest firmware - Applies the firmware update to devices who's status is Latest firmware.
  • All Devices - Applies the firmware update to devices regardless of their status.

After selecting all of the necessary options, select APPLY and the firmware update will be sent to the relevant devices. In order to cancel a firmware update applied this way, you must go to the device's Camera Firmware Management window and cancel it there.
