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This page is a step-by-step overview of the Camera Status page on RoscoLive add-on for MyGeotab.
Locate and select the Camera Status icon in the side menu.
The Camera Status page displays more information related to the status of the camera such as firmware version, current fleet config profile, and SD card status. If any action is needed, such as remote reformat, firmware upgrade, or configuration change, a user can select the desired devices and apply an action (or actions) using the Fleet Tool options in the search header bar. This page is also used to pair cameras to GO devices and shows which devices are paired to which cameras.
This section will detail the contents of each column in the Cameras Table
This column displays the name of the camera and below that, the MyGeotab group the camera is associated with if paired to a GO device.
Clicking on the camera name will open a modal which will allow the user to change the camera name and change the timezone the camera is set to.
This column displays the name and s/n of the paired go device to the camera.
If a camera is not paired, the following will be displayed:
To pair a device, select the icon button to the right and select the GO device from the menu that appears and select apply.
This column displays the last connected date and time of the camera. This column will also alert the user if the difference between the last connected time of the camera and the last trip of the connected GO device exceeds 24 hours.
To see both the camera last connected date and the GO device last trip, clicking the icon button on the right will open the following menu:
This column displays the current firmware status and version on the camera.
This column displays the current config profile applied to the camera. If profile says Manual, this means that a config file was manually uploaded to the camera or changed locally on the SD card.
Clicking on the profile name will take the user to the Fleet Config Profile page to view/change the profile if needed.
This column displays the status of the camera's SD card.
This column allows Admin users to enable or disable their cameras. When a camera is Inactive this means the camera will no longer be allowed to send or receive any data from the server. This means that no event video or snapshots will be uploaded, no live streaming will be available, no custom video requests will be allowed. The camera will still continue to record video and operate normally offline.
To select cameras to perform an action on them such as pushing a new fleet config profile to them, select the drop down button located at the top right-hand corner of the page. From here you can select some options on how you would like to select cameras.