How to use Daily Events page

The Daily Events page is where the event and alert clips for the entire fleet can be viewed and downloaded. This is the page where the Event & Alert Search links direct to.

To locate the Daily Events page, select this menu option:

Daily Events page

After navigating to the Videos menu option, a page similar to this should be displayed:

Grid View & List View

Rosco Live has two options in which you can view your fleet's events: Grid View and List View. To switch between the views, select the Toggle in the upper-right corner of the page:

List View

Grid View

Search an Event Clip

To search for an event clip, select a date and time for the event clip that is being searched for. From the drop-down menu select to search by Vehicle, Driver, or Event ID.

Vehicle - Searches by the name of the device in the Vehicle column.
Driver - Searches by the driver name in the Driver column. This requires Driver ID to be enabled on the fleet.
Event ID - Searches by the event ID number in the ID column.

Enter the search in the textbox according to the criteria selected.
While a search entry is being entered, the page will actively refine itself according to the search criteria entered.

Videos Event Filter

Events can be filtered by type and by group using the event filter.

This filter is inclusive, meaning any selections that have a green check mark next to them will be shown on the Daily Videos page. Simply deselect the options you would like hidden from view.

The active filter indicator will be shown when at least one filter option is selected. If no options are selected then it will not be shown.

Event Columns

At the top of the table of events, there are nine columns:

  1. Date / Time - The date and time the event occurred1).
  2. Type - The type of event that occurred
  3. Vehicle - The name of the device
  4. Groups - The vehicle group the device belongs to
  5. Reviewed - The date and time the event was first reviewed. If an event has not been viewed, then the status Not reviewed will be displayed.
  6. ID - The unique event ID. This can be used to search and reference the event.
  7. Duration - The duration of the event video clip in seconds or minutes. Most event videos will be 20 seconds in duration.
  8. Driver - If driver ID is enabled, the driver's name will appear here.
  9. Actions - The actions that can be taken for an event.

Each column (aside from the Actions column) can be organized into ascending or descending order. To do this, simply toggle the red arrows next to each column name. Only one column at a time may be organized as such.

View and Download Event Clips and Snapshots

When the desired event clip or clips are located, there are several actions that can be taken to view or download event clips.

The actions from left to right are:

Play Videos

This action opens up a player in a window that plays back the specified event clip. All channels are played at the same time and the meta data is displayed in the sidebar of the player.

1. Main Player Window - will display the relevant camera channel to the event. For example, a driver-based event will show the driver facing channel (if enabled).

2. Additional Channel Bar - This displays the active channels that are not currently in the main player window. Double clicking on a channel will swap it with the channel currently in the main player window.
If a channel has audio enabled, a speaker icon will be shown in the bottom right corner of the video window. A speaker icon emitting sound will be shown on the currently active channel. A speaker icon with no sound will be shown on inactive channels to indicate audio is available, but the channel is currently not actively selected.

3. Event Info - Contains information about the event such as event type, event time & day, vehicle speed, event duration, and any notes.

  • More Options - Clicking the vertical 3 dots will open a drop down menu with additional options.

The video is available to download in MP4 or NVR format. MP4 only downloads the video from the selected channel. NVR downloads the whole event file which includes the metadata along with the video; This file type can only be played back in DVPro5

4. This is an embedded Google map of the area the event took place. The vehicle is represented by a black arrow and its path is represented by a red line on the map.

View Snapshot

This action opens up a window in which the snapshot pictures of the event can be viewed, displayed one channel at a time.

Share Event

This action allows for the event video clip to be shared via email. A link is sent to the email recipient that directs them to a page where they are able to playback the event.

1. Type the email of the event video recipient and press ENTER to enter an email

Multiple emails can be entered 2. Select the duration the link will be available. After this period, the link will expire and the recipient will no longer be able to view the event video. The video will be accessable to anyone who has the link.

  1. No Expiration - The link will never expire.
  2. A Day - The link will expire 24 hours after it was shared.
  3. A Week - The link will expire 7 days (168 hours) after it was shared.
  4. A Month - The link will expire 30 days (720 hours) after it was shared.

3. Optionally, add a message to send with the email.

Event Video Recipient Email Notification

Download Video

This action downloads the event clip through the browser. Navigate to the file or folder used by the browser for downloads and locate the download with the .nvr file type. This file type requires the DVPro-5 player software to playback the video. The video can then be converted to .avi file type through the player.

Flag Event

This action allows the user to flag an event for quick reference or later review. Events that are flagged are viewable on the Flagged Event Page.


This action opens a window to allow you to take and save notes on an event. Simply enter the notes into the textbox and click Save to save the note.

The Note button will change to a magenta color indicating that a note has been saved for the event.

This is presented in the timezone that the user is accessing the website from. If the camera is set to a different timezone, expect to see that difference in the event video
